Benefits of Public Speaking
Public speaking gives you opportunity to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Without communication skills, the ability to develop ourselves in the business world and in life would nearly impossible.
There are 9 benefits of Public speaking
1.You will establish as a thought leader
Thought leadership is about developing, packaging and communicating concepts, ideas, insights and solutions that will enhance the success of the audience.This approach is highly beneficial to the audience and best business development strategy for professiionals.
For instance – Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were both thought leaders, even though they were rivals whose thinking simultaneously took personal computing into two divergent courses.

2. Develops critical Thinking skills.
Public speaking is an excellent way to develop critical thinking skills.Writing a speech requires a great deal of active thinking,from audience analysis to the closing sentence.Its not enough to have a message , you also need to tailor the message that fit the needs of the audience and inspires them.
For instance – Priya analyzing the information in a speech and making important decisions before public speaking

3. It will boost your Confidence in presentation.
It is quoted that
“Practice does make perfect only perfect practice makes perfect” – Vince Lambordi
Practice , Practice , Practice is something which is most important for someone who is going to be pubic speaking.Dont just read your presentation,practice everything until you are confident enough to give your presentation in front of the audience making sure your body language and gesturing are in sync. Practice in front of others before you give your speech in front of live audience to get their feedback and see the scope of improvement.
For instance – Priya practicing her speech before going live could boost her confidence level and make her perfect before going live in front of the audience.

4. Your Communication skills will improve.
Communication skills is something each every individual should learn and develop since its required in both professional and personal life.You learn how to calmly take up your opponents view and to present your ideas in an coherent manner and also to defend your views to others. Effective communication ensures the message reaches the audience loud and clear. Speak clearly and make sure your content is relevant and makes sense to the audience ,that’s what is public speaking is all about. The more you push yourself to speak in front of others, the better you’ll become, and the more confidence you’ll have.
For instance – Priya could communicate her ideas ,insights & concepts through her speech and learn to calmly take opposing views

5.It will help you Expand your Network.
“Your Network is your Networth”
Another Benefit of Public speaking is when your going to be speaking in an event you would suddenly find everyone wanting to have a conversation with you.One of the opportunities to expand your network,make friends ,build business contacts and generate valuable business. It also depends on How well you speak,how you utilize this opportunity to build your network through public speaking. Public speaking can bring like-minded professionals together to share ideas. These engagements are great networking opportunities.
For instance – Interacting during public speaking and delivering the best of best of speech and making professional connections could expand your network.

6.Personal brand is Developed and Adds credibility.
Personal Branding is how you present yourself in front of others, It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want the world to see you. It is the telling of your story, and how it reflects your behavior, spoken and unspoken words, and attitude. Public speaking helps you overcome fears and boost self-esteem and build-up your confidence which in turn helps you improve your personal branding ,its like said the confidence is shown on the face.It also gives you opportunity to highlight your strengths and passion plus make people believe in you and influence them through your speech.
For instance – Public speaking could enhance your personal branding boosting your self-esteem and giving you opportunity to present your best self to the world

7.It increases your Visibility + Attracts Speaking opportunities.
There are many ways public speaking increases your visibility like for example your standing up in front of the audience and delivering your speech and the entire room is pointing towards you.Even after speaking engagement make sure to have maximum engagement to attract more speaking opportunities for yourself in future.
For instance – Public speaking could not just increase your visibility in front of the audience but when delivered with confidence can attract speaking opportunities

8. Creates Impact and helps you Gain more clients for business.
Well as and when you get opportunity for public speaking you get to expand your network and interact with different people for professional and social connections which in turn helps you gain more clients for your business.As we say Public speaking do have an impression on the audience so the more quality presentation you deliver the more you gain your clients.
For instance- When done right public speaking can help you create impact on your audience which in turn could help you gain clients for your own business.

9. It helps in both Personal and Professional Growth.
Public speaking can help you with both personal and professional growth in ways that it builds your confidence ,boosts your energy and helps you grow your business by expanding your network. And we know how important personal and professional growth is for us especially when it comes in our working field and personal life.
For instance – Public speaking has many benefits but the most helpful is helping you with personal and professional growth.