Women Entrepreneur skills
1. Goal-oriented approach
For your business to grow it is essential to stay laser-focused to achieve your goals, of course, there will be several distractions every time while operating a company but one should focus on its goal no matter what may come. It is also important to see if the distraction needs attention or need to be dealt with or not. Women entrepreneurs know how to remain focused on critical goals and cut through the clutter to avoid distraction.

2. Networking
Your network is your net worth. Having a network is vital for every professional but for a founder it is indispensable. Women founders are rare and often do not have an extensive network like male founders. However, that should not stop women to become entrepreneurs. For the growth and development of their business, they need to take out time to network, which includes active listening, networking intentionally and participating in discussions. Women entrepreneurs can start by exploring mutual synergies before an event or meeting and offer to help before seeking it. Entrepreneurship is a long and hard journey, so it’s essential to approach without expecting immediate returns from each networking relationship.

3. Patience
Making a long term growing business is not an easy task, there might be uncertain circumstances. Women entrepreneurs need to have conviction and patience to stick around in the long haul. Business is not just for days or months it is for years. You cannot just start your business and expect it to grow the very next day. It takes time, one will face highs and lows. And being patient enough to wait for the output is important for the long term growth of your business

4. Assertiveness
While operating day to day work in business there are a lot of meetings, collaboration and events involved women entrepreneurs need to be confident and assertive to get what they want from the deal for their business.

5. Effective delegation
Leading an organization requires leading your team, delegating work and guiding them through the process. Women entrepreneurs do have the temptation to do everything on their own, but running an organization moreover making your team involve is an uphill task. Women entrepreneurs should possess the skill of building a dependable team so that they can delegate more and focus on significant tasks that need their attention. The organisation grows when they make strategic time to plan the next ten moves for their team.

7. Negotiating
Negotiating is yet one of the most important skills every woman entrepreneur should know and learn. In day to day of running the business at every level, you will need to deal with customers, employees, investors or vendors. It is also one of the most powerful skills in the world. Entrepreneurs must know how to negotiate for lower prices with vendors, higher prices with customers, and for better investments with investors. One must learn and cultivate it.

8. Have a vision
Women entrepreneurs are visionaries, they can spot opportunities and make a move towards their goal. A vision is to be clear of what they want to do. Successful entrepreneurs can transform the vision into reality. They give in their everything and go all out. Women entrepreneurs don’t shy away from challenges, fear or apprehension. The only focus of the work needed to get things done. Apart from vision confidence is also important to manage a lot of people, deal with clients, suppliers and investors. Vision and confidence is important and to be developed to achieve your goals

9. Time management skills
Women entrepreneurs should have the ability to plan their day and manage time which is particularly important for the ones who want to multi-task. A lot of work needs to be managed like letters, emails, press releases, sales calls, thus women need to manage their time and prioritize tasks. Part of having good time management skills is knowing when to stop and take a break from work and switch your role in your family. Time management skill Is to know how to keep a balance between your work life and personal life.

10. Actively pitch for business
It is very easy to lose your focus on getting the logistics right while setting up in the business. One should not forget that the most important thing about running a business is making money. Networking offline and online and start connecting with your target audience takes time but women entrepreneurs should know this skill to actively pitch for business, it takes time but once you do it will not take much time to network, set up the business and make money.